
The Cooperative Canteen of the European School of Varese (COMSEV) was created on December 19th, 2006 by 11 founding members (parents and school staff) and deals with the management of the European School canteen from September 1st, 2008.

COMSEV has a Board of Administration of 5 members, (including the President of COMSEV), which is reconstituted every 3 years.

During the General Meeting of 11th December 2024 (2nd call) the Board of Administration has been renewed until the financial statements of  August 31st 2027. The following members were elected:

Mrs GRANDIS Elena, Mr EKLUND Lars Gustav, Mr ROVERA Massimo, Mr FERRARI Guido Francesco and Mr FAGGION Lorenzo.

The Board elects the President and Vice President among its members.

During its meeting on 19th December 2024 the Board of Administration assigned the following positions:

Mr. ROVERA Massimo                        President

Mr FERRARI Guido Francesco          Vice-President

The new positions are valid until the general meeting of shareholders that will approve the financial statements to be raised on August 31st, 2025.

Since 2021, the canteen service has been entrusted to a catering company to provide the meals. The canteen is located in the Da Vinci building, Via Mameli, 35.

COMSEV office is in Via Montello 118, Varese.

Contact numbers are as follows:

Phone                  0332 / 806231

Fax                      0332 / 281637

E MAIL:      var-comsev@eursc.onmicrosoft.com

In the COMSEV office there are:

Mrs.  Sabrina Ferro                          Assistant

Mrs. Elena Ciavarella                        Assistant

The office is open to the public from 08.30 till 13.30 and from 14.30 till 15.30.